We put together the individual product video that go on each online listing, and created an easy visual video guide that clearly shows the breadth of the line. This video helps customers know all colors within the line, and understand which one might be best for them. If you have an online store or a brick-and-mortar shop and are releasing a new line of arrivals, this is a great tool that can be shared via e-mail, on your website, or within the product's pages. Don't hesitate to contact us to discuss your project and possible use for this great tool. This course was filmed and edited mostly live, allowing for a quick turn around. There are of course many levels in terms of production possibilities for an online/video course. If I were to scale the possibilities we can offer from 1 through 10, this would land at about a 2 or 3 in terms of production, however at about a 9 in terms of delivery speed. My recommendation in terms of which path we should take would be dependent on your goals, perhaps you just need to go for a sample that shows your idea to employees or friends, or possible investors in your course, then I would suggest to start with a 1-3, but if you want to sell a course, and offer high level production, and are not in a specific rush to launch any sooner than 2 months, then we could go all the way to 10 with all the bells and whistles. Created a suite of marketing materials for this dance company's performance in different formats for them to launch a comprehensive campaign as well as be covered in terms of having a printed mini program & show order, as well as a digital mobile extension accessible via phone/tablet/computer.
This custom graphic included actual item images from the store and resembled a graphic the owner liked from their older branding, however, it is a higher resolution image that she can now use both online as well as for printed materials.
This approach can be used in many applications where you need to disclose much information, but don't want to use large, multi-page print outs. In this case, for the show, we included the show order, however all the additional information lives on a live website accessible either through link, or a QR code. Once the QR code is accessed, you would view all the following information (click here to see live website). The beauty of this approach is it really allows to think out of the box and we can link to not just images but also video or more information, and since it will already be on your viewer's phone, it gives it a bit more chance to be reviewed later, rather than a bulky program that they will likely toss oafter the performance.
Designed all printed materials for a few master class series' at the Manhattan Movement and Arts Center. The design materials included three different formats for print and a format to be digitally sent to e-mail subscribers.
October 2024